hiring to match growth
Faced with challenges that accompany rapid growth, Plunkett Raysich Architects (PRA) needed additional qualified staff to support its operations. The organization partnered with Versant to raise its profile in the Greater Milwaukee area to attract top talent.
What If
Versant developed a strategic recruitment marketing package to bring the workplace to life, showing WHY talent joins PRA and WHY they stay. Using a variety of formats and media, the package provides a “behind-the-scenes” look at the people and culture at PRA. The tagline, “This is PRA life,” is featured in a video series, still companion pieces and a brochure. Versant also created a new website and careers page to further advance recruitment efforts.
…Becomes Wow
PRA experienced an immediate improvement in hiring following the launch of the video series. Its recruitment team has ready access to a cohesive package of materials that captures PRA’s distinctive work culture, accelerating recruiting and candidate acceptance. The high quality, authentic videos also are used to successfully recruit employees.

“Versant understands the importance of selling a concept and bringing it to life. They have a unique ability to connect with employees, present and past, as well as clients, utilizing each to help tell our brand story.”